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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday!

Yesterday was Good Friday. My man and I celebrated the death of Our Saviour on the cross by having a mass at church. The mass was held at 3, and we came at 2.45. We wished that we could've got some seats but in fact we didn't. There were lots of people sitting on the garden. It looked like they were on picnic. Although we were sitting outside the church, we were still able to think straight on the holyness of the mass. I could listen to the words of God as well. Deeply inside my heart, I thanked and have been thanking God for He has died for us. Due to His love to us, He sacrificed His life on the cross. I will always remember His kindness, truly love and sweetness in my life so I can spread His love as well to people around me.

It was such an emotional feeling we had yesterday as we remembered how God suffered bearing all of our sins. God has been good to us. I saw my man crying his tears out yesterday. It was coz of his emotional feeling.

Happy Good Friday to all christians in the world, esp my family and my friends. Hope we can always commit into His hands with all we are and won't trade His pure love to us for richest untold.

:) :)

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