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Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday at the end of this year

We're waiting for boarding right now to Singapore. I was so happy yet surprised to see my nephew, Keenan since I haven't met him for almost 7 months. He's bigger and talks a lot. Oh geez, he can't even stop talking in alien language for a minute. Hahahahaha.


There's an announcement for boarding just now.
Gotta go. Bye.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas :)

Merry Christmas, world! Happy birthday, Jesus :)

Selamat Hari Natal, dunia! Selamat ulang tahun, Tuhan Yesus :)

Have a joyful and a meaningful christmas! Let His peace fulfill our hearts. May God bless us all the time.


Today is so wonderful. I had a little family gathering with all my family. We had lunch, sharing laughs and loves each other. I thank God for always giving a moment when all my family gather every Christmas day. Woah, we really really had a great time.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Horeee dapat visa ternyata. Ah senengnyaaaa :) :) :) :)

Kapan ya tapi bisa berangkat ke sana? Haisshhhh.

Dear Mas D, we'll meet soon yaaaa!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kangen Setengah Mati

Ampunnnn, kangen banget banget sama "Mas D". Uda sampe tahap lewat dr maximum nih mau meledak. Hampir setahun enggak ketemu.

Eh tapi mudah2an kalau jadi sih februari mau ketemuan di sana. Yippieeee ;) doaken visa selese bulan ini *komat kamit berdoa*

Kemarin pergi sama keluarganya negrayain ultah bapaknye di Layar. Si adeknya miko bawa pacarnya juga. Cuma agak canggung aja, cuma ngobrol doang sama mbak riris sama tante. Kesian tante pengen banget crab di sana, eh lah ndala ternyata crab nya abis. Padahal uda pengen banget tuh. Katanya sih bulan depan mau balik ke Layar lagi makan di sana hahahaha.

Aku sih ga pernah rajin kontak keluarganya Mas D. Cuman kalo ada event-event kayak gini aja baru ketemu. Aku aja gak tau kalo bapaknya ultah, baru dikasi tau sama adeknya baru deh ngeh trus kasi ucapan.

Eh Mas Kampret, aku kangeeennnnnn. Kangen banget banget. Ayo pulang to!

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Single Fighter

Gileeeee, sharian jadi single fighter di kantor. Mbak peni ga masuk, mbak icha ijin setengah hari. Alamak asem tenan-an! Mana customer nya banyak lg yang dtg, kerjaan dr cabang juga bejibun. Fiuhhhhh. Sampe td pulang jam7an, kerjaan belum slese. Smuanya ke handle sendirian sih jadi malah numpuk nih pending-an di kantor.

Tak apa lah, masih ada hari esok. Mari dipikirkan besok saja.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Birthday mamahhhh!

Happy birthday enyak tercinta! :) :) :)

Salam peace, love and gahooll.

Lots of love for you. Ya Tuhan, limpahkan mamaku (dan papaku juga) kesehatan dan keselamatan. Walaupun hari ini gak ada kakak, gak ada rico juga, semoga aja mama ngerasa happy sama ulang tahunnya. Aminnn.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nyonya Jetset

Today is a public holiday for us. Happy New Year 1432H for moslems!

I was spending the day since I woke up this morning by reading a book, Nyonya Jetset. It's written by Alberthiene Endah. My brother bought that book actually. I was attracted to read that because of the prolog story on the 2nd page of it. In fact, the story is based on a true story.

It tells us a shocking story about a woman who becomes a very rich woman in a very sudden. She gets married to a very rich man, owns heaps of companies, but she's never allowed to socialize with others, even her closest friends. It feels like she's got jailed by her husband. She never feels happy through her marriage. She gets hit a lot almost every single day and in that time she gets cured by her own doctor, the one that her husband hires to.

I've never thought before that YES there are some 'Mrs. Jetset' in this world. They come up in every glamour party to show their existence, carrying a Hermes Bag, wearing a Valentino satin dress, a Prada clutch bag and in a pair of Louboutin stilleto shoes, no matter how hard their life is. For the sake of having a luxurious lifestyle, they show their fake happy face. Their own life is driven by her husband.

Knowing this story has given me different thoughts of socialite ladies. Their life is actually not as happy as I thought hehehe.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Dasar kebo banget ya aku. Uda lama gak pernah olah raga kan, jadi sekalinya olah raga air langsung smua badan nih rontok. Kemarin rafting lagi di songa sama office mates regional surabaya. Wihh senangnyaaa :) Bangun jam 5 bokk, trs ke kantor. Baru berangkat jam set7, sampe di songa jam set11 siang. Siang bolong rafting! Hahahhaa. Langsung deh pake sunblock banyak-banyak. Mbak peni tuh yang parno sampe 1 botol sunblock ku kepake sama dia hampir habis hiakakaka :D Seru sih kemarin raftingnya. Kelompokku dpt instruktur seru, namanya Mas Lehin, suka teriak "wachiaaa!", "ashyaaa!". Cuman ya gitu ada 1 ibuk-ibuk gitu lah yang takut banget. Jd suka teriak parno sndiri, ngancem mas lehin ga boleh balikin perahu. Halahhh.

Sampe surabaya jam set8 malem, lanjut ke TP sama mama rico jalan-jalan bentar. Nah nih sekarang baru kerasa kemengnya seluruh badan. Njarem di mana-mana. Aduh aduhh. Badan tuwek!

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 december 2010

Whoaaa, this is the beginning of Dec 2010. I hope everything on this month will go better than November.

November wasn't lovely as I thought it would be. Lots of problems, heaps of troubles happened on November. When I read my last posts on November I've written, I don't feel like thanking God for each days on November. Yeap, November was so terrific yet challenging.

Talking about December, this is a month I like the most. Christmas is coming, and it also means holidayyyy is coming. \(´▽`)/ . I can't wait to celebrate Christmas and New Year eve with kakak, kak jeff, and lil' Keenan. Iyess!

Least but not last, God bless us! :)
I gotta work right now.

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