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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cliff's Farewell Dinner

Cliff : "Kar, makan di Sushi Tei yukkk"
Me : "Heeee.. Sushi Tei?? Mahal nyooo cliff.." *maaf berhubung agak bokek*
Cliff : "Eum , gpp ayolah"
Me : "Ya udah gpp deh.." *berat hati* trus noleh ke lenny ngajak ngobrol, "Len, ini makan di Sushi Tei mau?"
Cliff : "Gini lo ya, ini sekalian dalam rangka Farewell.."
Me : "Oh my GOD!" *%bdwdffst$vddfasfy#@sbsodnk@dpo$$tT%g*

Antara seneng ma sedih enggak ngerti mst gmn. Seneng banget soalnya bisa ketemuan sama temen-temen semua setelah ada 1bln-an enggak jalan bareng, sedih soalnya mesti pisah lagi sama temen. Aku benci perpisahan, seriussssss! Enggak nyangka juga kalo ternyata si cliff uda nyiapin acara dinner ini soalnya uda mau berangkat ke Shanghai minggu depan. Yak amplop! Kalo dia enggak ada, kmungkinan bakalan jarang bisa pergi sering-sering sama temen-temen nih soalnya dia itu yg jadi kapten tim bagian koordinasi kumpul-kumpul. Sedihnyaaaaa.. :( Sekarang masih bisa ketawa-ketiwi, ntar klo uda hari H bakalan nangis bombay. Haissshhh..

I love them all. Kita udah jalin persahabatan sejak SMP sampe sekarang. Keep this friendship forever yaaaa..

Friday, February 26, 2010

What do you want from me?

Holla.. I've been singing this song almost everytime. Well, what do you want from me? I won't let you down.

Hey, slow it down
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, I'm afraid
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

There might have been a time
I would give myself away
(Ooh) Once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now here we are
So whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

Yeah, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And there's nothing wrong with you
It's me – I'm a freak
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly

There might have been a time
When I would let you step away
I wouldn't even try but I think
You could save my life

Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

Just don't give up on me
I won't let you down
No, I won't let you down

Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me

Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
(Whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Need a job

Get nothing to do right now..
Well, I still haven't got a new job since I finished working on job training at PT. HMS last November 2009. I do really need a job. I DO REALLY NEED A JOB VERY VERY SOON. :(

Btw, this is I'm craving for (beside chocolates) :

Where can I get these snacks in Surabaya? :? Yummmyyyy..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sandal dari pacar :)

Sekarang lagi seneng-seneng nya pake sandal baru yang dikasi sama pacar nih, hehehe. ;p Waktu kemarin liburan, sering banget liat cewek-cewek di sana pake sandal ini trus jadi naksir setengah mati. Sempet sih mengurungkan niat untuk beli soalnya harga nya mahal gilak, apalagi aku naksir yang ada logo metal nya. Omigot! cuman untuk sandal jepit gini aja harganya ajubileh mahal. Eh eh tapi waktu uda mau balik indo, si pacar kasih sandal ini. Senang nyaaa.. Terima kasih ya pacar :)

Walopun di sini cewek-cewek pada lomba heboh-heboh an sepatu bagus, aku lebih memlilih jalan pake sandalku ini . Hihihihi.. ;p

source : here

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's good to be back home

Hai there, this is my 2nd day home after spending holiday in Perth, Australia. It was good to be there with my BF and his family. Once, on 11th February, 2010, I attended his graduation ceremony. You know what, I was so much proud of you, dear. Indeed! :) I felt that my moods played with me everyday, some days I could be so happy, but the other some days I couldn't. I missed my mom especially. In my stressful days there, someone I needed the most was my mom. Btw, I learned how to cook by helping my BF's mom cooking almost everyday, hehehe.. It makes me think that being a good housewife is pretty difficult cause I can't cook at all. Overall, I like Perth so much. I love its beaches, beautiful parks, and fresh air. I thank God for being gifted that short holiday was a part of my life. :)

with Wendy, thanks a lot Wen as my company :)

Now, I feel kind in a deep sadness cause I have to do LDR again with my BF. It's too much hard for me to do this but I know if God let this happen to us, He will show us the best ways to keep holding on this. And, for sure that our relationships will grow maturely though tons of difficulties is being faced. Be strong, dear ! Keep moving on what you want to do, I support you then.

Someday we'll be together..

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Besok besok besok..
Antara seneng ama enggak seneng, grogi ama enggak grogi, bingung ama enggak bingung. Yak, ini baru pertama kalinya saya pergi ke benua lain seorang diri tanpa ayah, ibu, adik, ataupun kakak *alay*. Agak ketar-ketrir juga soalnya takut enggak ngerti tuh orang-orang di sana ngemeng apaan :( Selain itu, saya merasa excited akhirnya visa dikabulkan. Yak ampun ngurus visa aja ribetnya bukan main, bbbrrrrhhh.. Visa nya sendiri baru slese skitar 5 hari yang lalu, super duper mepet sama tanggal berangkatnya. Tiket pesawat juga blm ada yang dipesen sampe hari itu. Widigghhhh ! Tapi, Puji Tuhan, semua persiapan dimudahin banget :) God, please guide me there.. Jangan sampe aku tersesat dan tampak bodoh asli bodoh di negara orang. Aku juga cuma punya uang sangu sedikit sekali. Mudah-mudahan cukup buat 9 hari di sana. God, please bless me too..

Dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam , mama makasi yaaaa..

Oya, doaken saya ya supaya mendapat tiket graduation nya BF di sana. Uda jauh-jauh ke sana trus ga bisa dateng wisuda kan berabe.. :/

Thursday, February 4, 2010


"A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, humilty, sacrifice and love. May that beautiful life be yours always"

-Dennis Castillo-


It was really great time to spend with my besties and BF at Foreplay, Sutos. Actually, I'm not kind of a person who likes to spend some social time with friends at night dancing on the "floor" while drinking Chivas or Jack D or whatever those drink are, but that night was a pleasure of being with my BF, especially, for the last time. Yup, he's going back to Perth next week. Huhuhu..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's been so fun and happy to spend most days with my BF now. I hadn't meet him for about a year before I met him on January. Jadi ya kebayang kangen , seneng juga akhirnya bisa ketemu & jalan bareng lagi sama BF.

Kayak kemarin, kita berdua ngalamin hal konyol, super duper silly syananana.. Awalnya dari SMS yang aku trima siang dr BF. Dia tanya, "Mau renang ga?". Berhubung olahraga yang masih masuk daftar top 3 favourite ku renang, ya uda okee yuk mare kita renang. Keputusan akhir nya kita renang di Waterpark Citraraya. Trus jam 3 sore, kok ga ada kabar sama sekali dari BF. Akhirnya waktu aku telp, si dia lagi siap-siap mau brangkat pick me up at home. Sampe di rumah jam 4an sore ternyata. Agak uring-uringan kan aku jadinya. Seingetku Waterpark tutup jam 7 malem-an, ini baru mau berangkat. Ga tau apa perjalanan dr rmh ke sana tuh dari ujung ke ujung. Grrrrr.. Ngebut lah di jalan supaya cepet sampe. Begitu sampe di sana jam setengah 5 sore, mau masuk buat cari parkir, tiba-tiba waktu tanya sama mas yang di gardu karcis parkir tanya, "Mau ke waterpark mas?", si BF nyahut, "Iya mas, tutup nya jam berapa?". Tau ga jawaban terakhir mas nya apa?? Gini : "Hari senin tutup mas emang". Oh my God ! *speechless*. Oke, trus kita lanjut muter-muter ga jelas di daerah Citraland nyariin lokasi resto seafood Mang Engking. Pertama denger namanya aku pikir JENGKING. Wakakaka :D Setelah muter-muter ga jelas akhirnya nemu juga lokasinya di mana, nyempil gitu, tapi bagus tempatnya.. Berhubung masih jam 5 sore-an dan males makan sore gitu, si BF kasi ide buat makan cakes di The Harvest. Aku makan Blueberry Cheese cake, kalo si BF makan Triple Chocolate cake. Yummyyy.. Setelah ngobrol lama di sana, sekitar jam 7 malem, kita lanjut cari makan malem *pantesan naik 2kilo*. Tujuan makan yaitu makan seafood di Mang Engking. Ini nih menu yang kita makan :

Gurami Goreng Cobek (source : here)

Udang Bakar Madu (source : here)

Trus trus selese makan, kita keasikan ngobrol-ngobrol di mobil. Perjalanan pulang lewat tol seharusnya kan bikin durasi perjalanan lebih pendek karena lebih cepet bebas macet. Di tol, waktu lagi ngobrol-ngobrol, si BF tanya, "Ini bener kan lewat sini?" Dasar akunya juga lagi ga fokus liat arah petunjuk jalan di tol, ya uda akhirnya aku iya-in aja. Tapi, ternyata-oh-ternyata kita salah arah. Harusnya belok kiri ke arah Waru eh ini malah keluar ke arah Porong. Ngawwwwuuuuurrr! Si BF pny kelemahan parah inget jalan. Aku juga salah sih soalnya ga bantu kasi tau arah (maaf ga bisa fokus di 2 hal secara bersamaan). Alhasil kita pulang lebih malem soalnya muter dulu lewat Sidoarjo. Konyol konyol konyol !! :p