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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I love my dad..

Malem ini seharusnya aku uda tidur (dan emang uda disuruh tidur, WAJIB!) soalnya besok mesti ke rumah sakit pagi banget buat ngedampingin papa ke ruang operasi. I'm so worried right now. :( and, eeem, i can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about my dad. When i was in the hospital looking after my dad this afternoon, i saw sadness and fear in his eyes. Oo no, i was gonna cry at that moment, but i tried so hard to persist me so that i wouldn't cry. Yeah, i know, i shall not have cried in front of my dad. Besok pagi, jam 8, rencananya papa mau dioperasi by pass demi kesembuhan jantungnya. I always pray to God and believe that "For the Lord Himself will walk before my dad (and of course us..) and guide my dad (us too) along the way".
Take a courage pa..

Besok sore juga rencananya my boii mau balik ke Perth lanjutin kuliah dan kehidupannya di sana. Swear, i'm not willing him to go back there. Huhuhuhu :,(
Sorry my boii. But, i really hope you would stay here with me for couple days again. I think, tommorow will be my sadden day..
I'll be missing you my boii...


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