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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Three's of me

I was blogwalking then grabbed this interesting post one from Risyahoneydew :)

Three names I go by :
1. Karia
2. Ria (all my families call me by this name)
3. Pipi (usually my closest friends call me by this name)

Three jobs I have had:
1. Apprentice
2. -
3. -
*the last job I did was an apprentice at HMS*

Three places I have lived:
*have never moved to any else places from here. ;)

Three favorite drinks:
1. Pulpy orange minute maid
2. Jasmine pearl green tea quickly
3. Mineral water (try to live healthily hihi.)

Three places I would like to visit:
1. France (the most romantic places for me *wink* )
2. Perth (again! I miss my BF so badly. please fly me there! )
3. Manado (my parents hometown)

Three people who text me regularly:
1. Kumpret (obviously he is my beloved BF hahaha.)
2. My mom (sometimes I text her for no reason)
3. My closest friends (Lenny, Ganda, Mon, Adit)

Three favorite dishes:
1. American beef pizza with extra cheese on top
2. Large size of Red Mango plain yoghurt with longan, mango, and almond toppings
3. Any bakso or bakwan (meatballs)

Three makeup or beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Face mist
2. Black eyeliner
3. Lipbalm

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Getting a job as soon as possible
2. Going back to Perth to meet my BF
3. Having my BF beside me here (hope he'll be back to Indo for good, amen.)

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Lipstick Jungle
2. Gossip Girl
3. Glee

Three people I tag:
1. Wendy
2. Fransiska
3. anyone

See yaaa! :)


Risya! said...

hey I'm blogwalking.
thanks for re-doing the tag.
I enjoyed reading this^^

Karia Venessa said...

halo risyaa..
I got yours first so interesting then I grabbed it. I like your blog, btw. :)

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