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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Too bad he's not here

I really need my BF to be here, beside me right now. I need him to cheer me up, tease me, support me, and be my company to watch DVD at home.

I think I'm in the right time to say, "I need you and I love you!" .

In everything that I do everyday, I just wish you were there to witness all.

Although troubles have been our friends, but obviously I'm happy to know that you're still strong enough to deal with all that troubles, and so it affects me to be the same way as you always are. Thank you so much for just letting me being who I am. I know you never complain too much about me.

Also, thank you for showing me what our long distance relationship's like. Well, it's been hard though! But, one question's popping up inside my brainless brain, "When will we be together?" I'm still waiting for that time and hoping the time will come. Okay, D?


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