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Monday, December 15, 2008

what a bad news..

it's sunday..
hearing a bad news from my boy, i was so shocked..he told me that he had an accident while he was riding motrcycle going to the church..i don't know how the story actually was..
are you okay boy right there??huhuhuhuhu :,(
at 6 pm i called him as he hadn't replied my sms..and when he picked up the phone, i heard him saying "hai ria, aku lagi di rumah habis kecelakaan.aku cuma jatuh aja kok.ini aku mau rontgen dulu.." to me shaky..uuuu,it made me sick..
and not for a long time we had talk, he asked me not to call him again for a while. well, i think he had to prepare himself to have a rontgen.
then, i sent a sms forward to remind him to be strong and pray all that time..
i thought it was just an accident, not a big-no-no he called me back and told me that he was going to stay for about 2 nights in the hospital..
trouble is my friend!!!
yeah i knew that time that he'd lied to me..haaa itu sih bukan kecelakaan biasa boyy..ngapain pake nginep di sana gt..huhuhuhuhu...
trnyata tulang bahunya patah. my boy jatuh dari speda motor trs badannya natap jalan.aaawwww...
bsk pagi my boy operasi, God please bless and stay close to my dear boy..

i can't stop crying...i wish i could be there...


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