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Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm in a good mood :)

Yipppieeeeeee.. I'm absolutely in a good mood :))
I like today so much. Everything went so well, hehehe..
I'll be off for short holiday tommorow. Yaaaiiiiiyyyy!!
Ooo dear God, thank you for giving me and my family this happiness, especially when my mom is getting much better and better. I think my mom is so happy right now. Hahaha :D Actually doctor said that she shouldn't have gone for this holiday due to her illness, but no matter what the doctor said, she assumed that she was so OK.
Time to sleep, byeee..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

They are my new friends :)

It's been almost 3 months since I started working here. I love my job right now, although it's really hard and tiring to do. I like my partner, my office room, the pantry and of course the environment there. I'm so blessed for having this opportunity and also having "them" in my life. We've been sharing so many stories, bad times, and good times at work together.
Here they are:

Ratih, Sylvie, Fifi, me

We're doing different task actually, but we help each other. Oya, I'm gonna show how different my computer and Fifi's one. Ugh! It's not fair.. Mr John, could you change mine into a better one? It works too slowly you know.. It sucks!

left : mine, right : Sylvie

Fifi's computer

Monday, November 16, 2009

Feeling so sad deeply inside my heart

Today's fact : I totally miss my . . . ,of course him :,(
I miss him so much to a level I can't even describe or explain. So, tonight, I decided to ask him to have a call with me using sykpe. At our first talk, I told him that I missed him so much, then unexpected before that he gave no response to my feeling. Ooo NO!

Ya sudahlah, mungkin enggak selalu kita bisa paksain orang untuk berbuat sesuatu yang baik sesuai dengan yang kita rasakan atau yang kita harapkan untuk dia lakukan. In fact, I know today that he doesn't miss me like I do. Cukup dengan bentakan, tanggapan yang biasa-biasa aja atau bahkan sampai level ekstrem yaitu KETUS! Ya sudah cukup untuk malam ini. Oh my God, please help me control my feelings. I'm so hopeful for not missing him anymore. I think, it's enough!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Akhirnyaaaaaaaaa... Setelah 4 tahun kuliah, lulus juga sekarang. Seneng campur sedih sih tapi benernya.. Yang dulu biasanya slalu kompak-an sama temen-temen satu angkatan, ehh sekarang mesti hidup sendiri-sendiri, mmm maksudnya udah punya job sendiri-sendiri, pulang ke kota asal masing-masing, dll.

Hari sabtu waktu wisuda ini boleh dibilang mendingan terjadi sekali aja seumur hidup. Bukannya apa-apa sih, tapi panassssss nyaaaaaaa luar binasa! Yak ampun, 1000 orang gila aja yang diwisuda plus mama-mama, papa-papa, adek-adek, oma-oma, opa-opa, pacar-pacar yang dateng, ya total skitar 3500 orang. Amsyong banget kan?!?! Mana pake kebaya ribet, trus pake toga Harry Potter yang tebel kayak gitu. Omigod! Ada total 12 AC gede-gede tetep aja enggak ngangkat. Uda gitu, fakultas teknik tuh fakultas urutan 2 terakhir. Bayangin aja ada 7 fakultas, lah teknik urutan ke-6. Perfecto! Panassss dan laaaammmmaaaaa.. Nah, ini maksudnya kenapa kok aku ga mau hari sabtu ini terjadi lagi. Heheehe.. Kalo masalah diwisuda lagi ya pengen sih (*rencana Tuhan indah pada waktunya, amiiinnnn*)..

Saat ini, cuman bisa bilang TERIMA KASIH buat Tuhan Yesus, mama-papa, sm temen-temen kampus smuanya. Bukan maksud pengen pidato tapi emang bener ini yang aku rasain waktu aku jalan ke podium trus salaman sm dekan dan rektor. Akhirnya aku pake kalung klulusan + dapet piagam. These are what I'd been waiting for :) Capek, kpanasan, ngantuk, gerah, smuanya kebayar waktu selesai wisuda trus ngliat mama papa senyum & cium aku kasih selamat. This is for you, ma, pa..

Semua foto nih diambil waktu lagi tunggu acara wisuda mulai. Belum terlalu banyak orang jadinya agak adem di dalam tenda (yup, TENDA!). Hehehehe..

PS: Sempat menangis waktu pulang acara wisuda karena orang yang diharapkan memberikan prhatian tapi enggak kasih perhatian a.k.a selamat. Huhhuhhu.. :(

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Super duper saturday and sunday

Waaahhhhh... Thanks God you've given me super days lately, and tough though! :)
Let me call these days as "Fun saturday" and "Lovely monday"..

es lemon tea paling enaaakkkk ;p

Foto-foto yang hari minggu enggak ada soalnya keenakan jalan-jalan sama shopping. Hehehe.. ;p

Btw, I'm welcoming November. I'm so hopeful for this month. Hope everything will be better better and better in everyways..