Today, while I was seeing Harry Potter with all my best friends, I got a SMS from my Uncle, John.I was so surprised..
First message from him:
"Dear Ria ; the future is yous so take it, fight for it. All you hv to do i work smart and pray to thank God for the power/strength aldy given to you. Go girl, you can do this. SELAMAT UJIAN."
Then,I replied:
"Om John, this is Ria. Thank you so much for your encoragement :) I'll keep praying to God and do my best. Big love for you."
Few minutes later, he replied:
"It's your show. You own your success, make it happen then. God bless you, absolutely no worries."
Thanks Uncle John for your sweet caring. Yes! Yes! This is gonna be my show, so let's do the best.
I heart my family so much.. :)